Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Concentrating with some sticks

30th September 2014

  • Reading through the module handbook defiantly helped me realise exactly what was expected to complete the module
  • Hearing other peoples ideas and voicing my own idea helped me to gather my ideas in my brain and I started to think of my influences such as Reality TV and Simulation Games. Hearing other peoples ideas made me realise how versatile and different everybody is, there were so many different creative ideas that it made me realise that a lot of different scenarios would be possible. This helped me to realise that I did not have to panic about coming up with a 'good' idea as all ideas can be developed into something spectacular.
  •  The amount of study hours for the module made me think about how much hard work I was going to need to put into this project - not that I ever thought it would be easy, in a million years. It makes me excited about the work I am going to have to do, because planning a major project such as this can be a lot of fun, so long as you are organised!
  • We then pointed at objects around the room and called them different names was more difficult that I first thought it would be. This was because it was making my brain work in different ways than it normally would. I often found myself recycling words again and again because I was finding it difficult to think up new words that had not been said before.
  • After this we did a similar exercise but called those objects random words that we were making up, this was even more difficult as my brain is not used to just plucking words out of nowhere so therefore I decided to make up a 'system' and say the words of the object backwards. It was interesting to think about how your brain works, it was clear to me that making a system was easier as my brain knew exactly what it was doing, so therefore it was easier than just making anything up. 
  • We then used sticks to communicate with a partner. When I was working with people that I was friends with I found it easier, I think because I knew them, so therefore I aware of what they were about to do. Whilst holding eye contact I found I actually had less control on the sticks than if I would looking at the stick. I am unaware why this was happening. I think the main trick of the exercise was the pressure you held on the stick.  

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