Tuesday, 11 November 2014

A Mind Map of Inspiration

Own Research 

In-between lessons I decided to create a mind map of my own ideas. 
I watched some films on conspiracy theories and 9/11, some of it felt like general nonsense but it made me realise that something must be seriously wrong with the world if people are questioning these types of things. 
Why are the public so suspicious? What really happened? What do I really believe in? Are we really being sheltered from these scenarios?
These were questions that I began to ask myself! I started to think about how this linked to my project and my ideas, I decided that conspiracy is at some level about control, who is controlling the media, who is controlling what we believe, who is controlling the government, who is controlling religious groups. It really made me think about the world we live in and the way everything in our lives is controlled in some kind of way, there is always environmental and social factors that are stopping the way we actually want to live our lives. 

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