Monday, 12 January 2015

Back to Basics

11th January 

Today I spent some time going back to the basics of making a performance, I feel as if I spent too much time worrying about the storyline rather than the actual performance itself. So I decided to ask myself why? Why am I doing this performance?  

The topic I have chosen is something that I personally find very interesting - technology
Technology is something that I use every day and so does everybody around me
My mum doesn’t use much technology, similarly to grandparents.. This is interesting we will be so technically ignorant when we are the same age or will we be technically minded as we've had it all our life and will technology develop so far that we can't be ignorant to technology … so therefore I come to the question of what will happen to the world if technology goes so far? 

I then thought about the style in which I wanted my performance to give myself some ground to focus my performance on and some techniques to help me start devising my performance. 

Tuesday, 6 January 2015


6th January

After having a chat with Steve about our final projects I feel as if I need to centre this piece more on myself and what would happen to the world if technology was to take over... 

So after having a little think this afternoon I have decided to base my piece around the question rather than This is exactly what is going to happen if we keep relying on technology. I would still like to keep theme of mind control present as I feel this was the grounding of my idea. 

I also realised that my storyline does not have to be some linear perfectly scripted storyline, I do not feel this is one of my strengths anyway so it is best that I create something that works for me. 

I feel as if technology is something strong to my heart because I am interested init - and the past. As I am sat writing this I am starting to think about technology and the past - I am quite interested in history and the past, so this may add an extra texture and point out how far we have come with technology in a short period of time. Mobile phones have developed so quickly 15 years ago everybody was using a phone that just about had a function to text. I could perhaps make a mobile phone history with different types of mobiles.

Monday, 5 January 2015

Development Techniques

Christmas Holidays

I decided to make a OneNote Diary for my progress, I have this on my iPad so that where ever I go if i get an idea I can jot it down in my OneNote Diary. I thought about the research that I need to do in certain areas that have a relation to my project. I also thought about the characters and started to develop the storyline more. I used Hilary's method of just writing for 5 minuets without stopping. This was useful for me as I was able to then come up with some more storyline endings, here are one of them.

The agent needs to find out who these people are - with his powers he is able to do this. He first has to follow them in their steps ( cue some awesome media ) he them tags them and has them on a 'radar' you can see this on the computer screen that is projected, he tracks them down and also gives them a chip. With the chip he can control their minds, whilst controlling them he can put right everything they have done wrong. This leaves a consequence and something strange happens. ( back to the future fading photo) 

I also thought about the background of the characters and why they are in trouble with the secret service, so I looked up some crimes that could be applied. 

Crime ideas
  • Fraud - Identity/benefit/cyber/corporate/tax/telemarketing
  • Cyber crimes - hacking/viruses/malware/stalking /phishing scams/information warfare (operations)/spam.

I think I am going to go with a cyber crime as this is more relating to technology. 


9th December

During the week I spent some time developing my idea and gathering all my ideas ready for my presentation. I enjoyed putting my presentation together and finding clips that were relative to my piece. I edited a few influential pieces 
of material together to show as well. Doing my presentation was helpful for me to get all my ideas in one place, I also realised how far my ideas had developed - already. 

Speaking Brainstorm

2nd December

In this lesson we took some time to discuss ideas with our fellow class mates. We had to sit for 5 minuets and just talk about our ideas. When I started this I felt as if I did not have much to say - or many ideas, but in actual fact once I got talking I found that I had far more ideas than I thought. It helped me get ideas and input from other people to help develop my ideas. Louise mentioned how she imagined the street view man from Google maps dipping into places in the map and finding different people and this helped me develop an idea for myself about having this on a screen and a sort of 'radar' so you can see all the places that the criminals are. Ella also mentioned about Misfits and how the character Curtis goes in and out of time travel and the motions he uses when he does this and how effective this could look on stage. We also discussed having my piece either as a film or a performance and I realised that It could work better as a performance rather than a film as I felt that I could play with characters more with a performance, however this could change. 

25th November